Wholesale Clearance


You may have caught wind that affordable artists’ spaces in Vancouver are not just at a premium, but virtually extinct. Recent news about The Secret Lantern Society’s space being redeveloped once again casts a light on the effects of relentless pressures on urban space. You may also know of Alan Storey’s public art works. Among many installations around town, Alan is responsible for the giant pendulum in the atrium of the HSBC building downtown as well as the magnificent “Password” piece that discreetly engages attentive pedestrians along Pacific Avenue. VR did a profile of Alan a few years ago and I photographed him at his studio. Unfortunately, Alan has recently had to vacate his waterfront studio in the 300 block of Railway. It was once a fascinating area full of working artists. And while we still have the Ironworks building nearby to this stretch, it seems that photos like these may be some of the last documents of an era.


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